학회소식         공지사항

Call for the Paper of 71th North-east Asian Cultural Studies

Call for the Paper of 71th
North-east Asian Cultural Studies



‘The Association of North-east Asian Cultures’ that publishes the Academic Journal Listed in NRF is seeking papers on 71th North-east Asian Cultural Studies which is going to be issued on 31th JUN, 2022.

Cleck here!!  A published paper  

클릭 -> 논문검색 - 동북아시아문화학회 (3asian.org)

  ❙Guidelines for Applicants  

1. Submission Deadline: 10th MAY, 2022


2. A Field of Research: A Comparison between North-east Asian Countries

※ If your paper is not congruous with the purpose of academic journal, It would be returned to you following to the editors’ decision


Guidelines for Paper Submission

1. Type of paper and method used for writing manuscript:

See Information, 서식자료실 - 동북아시아문화학회 (3asian.org)

                           투고규정 - 동북아시아문화학회 (3asian.org)


2. Submitting Papers:

Only Online, http://www.3asian.org


3. Membership Fee

Entrance: 10,000 Won (New Member)

Annual: 20,000 Won (January 2022)

Thesis Examination: 60,000 Won

Account Number: 705-01-132710


Account Holder: 신종대-학회재무이사


※ We start the examination, after checking these payment deposits are confirmed, for transparent financial management of the Association.


4. Any Question: ‘The Association of North-east Asian Cultures’

                    E-mail: 3-asian@hanmail.net  
