Call for the Paper of 74th
North-east Asian Cultural Studies
‘The Association of North-east Asian Cultures’ that publishes the Academic Journal Listed in NRF is seeking papers on 74th North-east Asian Cultural Studies which is going to be issued on 31th MAR, 2023.
Cleck here!! A published paper
클릭 -> 논문검색 - 동북아시아문화학회 (
❙Guidelines for Applicants
1. Submission Deadline: 17th FEB, 2023
2. A Field of Research: A Comparison between North-east Asian Countries
※ If your paper is not congruous with the purpose of academic journal, It would be returned to you following to the editors’ decision
❙Guidelines for Paper Submission
1. Type of paper and method used for writing manuscript:
See Information, 서식자료실 - 동북아시아문화학회 (
2. Submitting Papers:
Only Online,
3. Membership Fee
Entrance: 10,000 Won (New Member)
Annual: 20,000 Won (January 2023)
Thesis Examination: 60,000 Won
Account Number: 705-01-132710
Account Holder: 신종대
※ We start the examination, after checking these payment deposits are confirmed, for transparent financial management of the Association.
4. Any Question: ‘The Association of North-east Asian Cultures’
Secretariat: 051-629-7029